Site icon Central Valley Justice Coalition

HT 101

 Register for the NEXT Human Trafficking 101 class!

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This is an introductory course on the issues of human trafficking, with emphasis on the trends in the Central Valley of California. Over the course of three hours, participants will learn the definition of human trafficking and the forces that lead people to be both victims and perpetrators. The presentation is interactive and multi-media based. It is generally recommended for ages 16 and older. We cover the following:

Myths and Misconceptions

We will identify and address common myths surrounding the issue of human trafficking. We will discuss current trends in our community.

Red Flags

It is vital that we in the community begin to recognize signs of trafficking around us. We will hear from survivors of trafficking about their experiences.

Action Steps

Throughout the class, resources will be discussed, and suggestions will be given about what we can do to make a difference, right where we are.

Please contact us at for additional training opportunities that are not promoted on our website or public calendar.

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